Sunday, April 29, 2012

sunday . inspiration . BRETON . SHIRT .

What a moment. Just as I am putting this post together, I realize that I still haven't found my perfect breton shirt. I can't believe it. It's in my top five must have closet staples, and I don't have it. My life has no meaning, I tell you.
Just look at it. So chic, so basic yet stylish. And yes, it's probably safest just to buy it in every color combination, length and thickens of stripes. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

my . week . via . instagram . #7

  1. Baklava, straight from Istanbul. My parents went there for the weekend, and brought me and my sister a whole package, freshly made the same day. Perfection, especially those with pistachios.
  2. Anti-hemophilia medicine, 600 euros for each shot. Или 37.000 денари. Mind-blown.
  3. My masterpiece - all five nails in different shade of red.
  4. Finger painting with my sister.
  5. Nutella pancakes at "O la la". Need I say more?
  6. Extra sweets on the house, while we were waiting for the pancakes. It's even sweeter when it's free, I swear. И некој збор за принцес крофни? :)
  7. Mozartkugeln. Oh those multilayered chocolate marzipan devils!
  8. I ate the chocolate orange one, and the others are a chocolate vanilla pudding, and a cheesecake. И во овој свечен момент изјавувам дека чизкејкот во Гирадико е најдобриот во Скопје. Ако има некој со поинакво мислење, го замолувам да каже, бидејќи во тој случај ќе морам веднаш да го барам тој подобар чизкејк :)

  It would be safe to conclude now that I think, talk, blog, post pictures, tweet, and generally eat a lot of sweet stuff. I can't help it people! The taste, the aesthetics, the moment. I hope you don't mind.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

prague . via . instagram

  1. The mandatory new cosmetics before any traveling/vacation. 
  2. This is how I roll. My latest addiction - chocolate and orange bars, just in case I get hungry, and I do. A lot
  3. First night in Prague. The most heart warming hot chocolate I've ever had, I swear. 
  4. Boy oh boy, do I love this city.
  5. Trdelnik - a traditional Czech sweet. Loved it so much, I ate two. 
  6. Czech beer. 'Nuff said. 
  7. Flags armswag!
  8. International Food & Drinking Party. Yes, I was in heaven, and I came back. I can tell you they have Swiss fondue, flaming Mozartkugeln and French wine. 

  So yes, I was in Prague last week for the EuRegMe, an IFMSA (International Federation Of Medical Students' Associations) meeting for medical students from throughout Europe. Maybe I'll do a whole post on it, maybe not, but either way, I came back with quite broader horizons, awesome new acquaintances and with the conclusion that I simply have to spend at least a part of my life living in Prague. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

sunday . inspiration . FLORAL . PANTS .

So you've managed to reach the end of this practically endless post. Good. It means that you either really, really like floral pants like me, or just kept scrolling so you would see if it ever ends because you're really stubborn, again like me.
Either way, I have to tell you that I honestly can't remember why I've never owned a pair of these! Maybe I've consider them too kitschy for my taste before, but I take that back. Paired with other plain, toned down pieces, they're a perfect spring/summer addition to any closet. My favorites are the slightly faded, pastel ones, like these. Yes, I dare post yet another picture link. I'm so bad ass.
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