Sunday, September 30, 2012

sunday inspiration . WAYFARER .

 ♪ The XX - Intro

Doing a post on something as iconic as the Wayfarers gets me a bit nervous, therefore I won't go into any analyzing. I'll just say that I fall for them every time. And even though the colored ones are really cool, I stick to the timeless classic - the black ones. Owning a pair of these is a must, like a strand of pearls for a lady, or a Breton shirt

Дечко со Реј Бан Wayfarer у старт има бонус поени кај мене. Да не биде после дека не сум ви кажала. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

foodie .

So here are the all too well known facts. I love eating. I love food itself. I enjoy food photography. I torture everyone that follows me on any social network with what I ate and what I'd love to eat. I misuse my instagram account as a foodspotting one. I made a special tumblr blog to post loads of foodporn photos.
Here's what I didn't know. I apparently like to take pictures of me eating, too.

Мало инфо до сите што ме критикуваат за постирање храна на инстаграм: шо сакам ќе праам бе. Вие сликајте згради, ја ќе сликам баклави, а после може и да си грицнете од бетонот, па да видиме кој ќе биде посреќен. Пингајте ме со резултатите.
Ваква критика може да добијам само од луѓе што никогаш не јаделе со мене. Да знаете колку ме усреќува храната, одма би ме викнале на јадење негде. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

style icons . The Olsen Twins

Maybe I should have added a photo of them as cute little cupcakes when they were young, but here I'd like to focus on their fashion sense now. Together they have created this unique mix of absolute glamour at night and the famous boho chic at daytime.
It seems like they just can't go wrong. Mary-Kate and Ashley have the perfect physique that can make big sunglasses and all kinds of over sized pieces work. They say that their statement layered look came from the moving from California to New York, but whatever the reason, it's brilliant.
Here's a fun (and very cute in the first photos!) slideshow of the evolution of their style. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

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